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Notes from the teacher to all students in the group initiated by LB since she really wanted to make notes as we went along. 1. DRAMA in EDUCATION 2012-03-22 practical information, presentation, warming up circle, follow movement-tag (härmkull) + voice/sound, fingertip-dance, realistic intermediated improvisation; prepare start, turning point + end deceide who/what – you get the where: The bench Feedback in four steps: a. without evaluation explain what you experienced/ describe what happened in the improvisation b. Positive feedback; what functioned for you, why? /focus on theatrequalities c. Questions? d. What can be improved for next time/ what can we learn? Connection to litterature: Spolin POC Point of Concentration p. 21-26 Teacher as coach Who, where, what Zinder Partner exercises p. 87-92 Way intelligent reflection p. 232 start/end 2. DRAMA in EDUCATION 2012-03-29 warming up circle, sending energy in circle, movement circle, mirror exercise, fantasy intermediated improvisation; prepare start, turning point + end deceide who/what – you get the where: Forest´s dark corner Feedback in four steps: see previous lesson. Connection to litterature: Zinder The energy circle p. 42-46 The basic mirror exercise + variations 102-118 3. DRAMA in EDUCATION 2012-04-05 warming up circle, one by one leads, one excercise, voice circle, one by one, leads one excerceise (we had an unplanned discussion about assessment in drama / theatre and how to teach about ”clichécharacter” ) Fablework – see seperate paper Connection to litterature: Frost Text and improvisation p. 28, 47-49, 175 Spolin (1986)Story theatre 160 – 166 Lewis & Rainer ( 2005) Lilliput story 102-110 Assessment (first chapter) Drama / Theatre discussion (firts chapter) Spolin "clichécharacter” p. 254-255 4. DRAMA in EDUCATION 2012-04-19 This was the day they did my surgery on Danderyds hospital I went there on Wednsday, Alberto followed me. I never thought they would keep me. I am well now, so I am very greatful. However I missed the lesson but it seemed as if they did about the same as the lesson before this. follow-tag (härmkull) + voice/sound Theme for the day: animals, zipp-zapp-boing, voicecircle The Mitten + reflections I did mine in the bed at the hospital
Fablework (see separate paper) Connection to litterature: See previous lesson 5. DRAMA in EDUCATION 2012-04-26 Fruitsallad (with variations) Longer discussion about fablework that the separate groups prepare (see separate paper) Romeo & Juliette work (see separate paper) and reflections about relevance for school setting, examples of modernized versions; Uppsala stadsteater, an article of a new circus setting; the film Romeo & Juliette with modern setting, where Romeo is Leonardi de Caprio. I remember that I showed this for my students in Roslagskolan and since then the film is gone. good choice of the teacher. Connection to litterature: Spolin Developing a character (acting with the whole body, animal images 262) p. 253-273 Organizing the reharsal time (directing) p. 317- 361 Fost (2007)Applied improvisation work (connects to Spolin) p. 167 – 183 Showing & Telling p. 140-141 6. DRAMA in EDUCATION 2012-05-03 One game/ exercise each prepared by the studnet, that relate to the litterature, not more then 5 minutes each: S: play ball (Spolin 1986, p. 48) M: bean bags (Spolin 1986, p. 5) A: paint room (Way 1993, p.? – movement chapter) M: the machine (Frost 2007, p. 138) K: ”room & body” (Spolin/Zinder?) S: when I go to California /When my ship comes in (Spolin 1986, p. 60) L: vacation (Johnstone) K: ”room&body & ”deathgame” LB: Birthdayparty (Way) Rest presentations from previous lessons A scene from Romeo & Juliette with S M, I found it brilliant. It woke me up with its contradicted way of intepret the text. The three goats - difficult when it is in English, I understood them... The raven and the jug Brilliant, on the edge of acting and just being M's The mitten work - an so me, totally stressed since the teacher said she had to meet a student. But she did not show evidence of that. I believe she came late for her other meeting for as usual so had a lot of questions awoked and wanted answers the last elsson.


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