Fortsätt till huvudinnehåll

Evaluation of the Course


What functioned in the course?

The teachers ability to establish a safe environment. The litteratur. The room. Information. Schedule. Involvement

What can be developed? /what can we improve?

Ask for a baseline of them who apply for the course, or demand that they at least keep up basic skills for drama through the litterature. It is obvious whom among some in a group does not have a clue. And since Drama is a group work, that effects all. Awareness of timing, direction,not blocking in improvasations, accepting, building platform, focus even though it is structured through games, open minded. Or what do I know, this is totally spontanious so I might change my opinion tomorrow.

Course litterature, is it relevant to the practical work we have done?

Absolutely! I would like to recomen a book since this course is for those who work with drama in an educational environmnet. Making Sense of Drama, A guide to classroom practice, (1984)Jonothan Heelands ISBN 0435186582 heinemann Educational Books "The book is based on the belief that drama has an important part to play in helping teachers move towards a unified curriculum... The author shows that drama can be an exciting way of teaching the curriculum rather than being a fringe activity for enthusiast only. The author is or at least was a teacher himself in both primary and secondary school.


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