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Wedding photography

Barefoot greeneyed Tyra
Her iris green as seaweed when it flies under the sea
With clear focus and eye for detail  twinkle of the gap,
the unspoken caught with her ​​expressive medium in the arts

She went to her first wedding only one year old it was her uncle who got married in the little wooden church in Aspudden. Tyra was going to throw some rice over the couple as the ritual says. She throw the whole bag at once, thud!

Now she is a popular wedding photographer with her first mission on Zanzibar where she goes under the name the  barefoot photographer. She came  directly from her present home a boat at anchor! her avenue was the beach wearing no shoes.

She has taken pictures in castles and cottages, in the archipelago with brackish water and sea breezes.

With a tightly strict composition or with a pinch of humor, as below. Notice the sign next to the wedding couple. "cemetery" Until death do us part, in other words.

Sister Tyra, signifacant as the simplicity of art.

Ebbersten photo a rising star! A true artist!


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Litteraturlista 2014-11-05    CeHum/ERG The SAGE Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods Barone, T. (2008). Arts-based Research. In L.M. Given (ed.) , p. 29-32. London: SAGE Publ. (4 s.) Irwin, R.L. (2008). A/R/Tography. In L.M. Given (ed.), p. 26-29. London: SAGE Publ. (4 s.) Knowles, J.G. & Cole, A.L. (2008). Arts-informed Research. In L.M. Given (ed.) p. 32-35. London: SAGE Publ. (4 s.) Barrett, J. R. (2009). Narrative inquiry and indelible impressions – a commentary. In M. S. Barrett & S. Stauffer (Eds.), Narrative inquiry in music education: Troubling certainty (pp. 195–199). New York: Springer.(4 s.) Eftersom det bara är fyra sidor ska jag gå till biblioteket och kopiera dessa. Men jag lyckades via Google Schoolar att kopiera ihop två av dessa fyra sidor, 195 och 196. Borgdoff, Henk. (2010). Where are we today? The state of the art in artistic research. Forskning och kritik – granskning och recension av konstnärlig for...