Först tänkte jag bara lägga upp en länk för att uppmärksamma den här kvinnan som Viola Spolin dedicerat sin bok Improvisation for the Theater till. Neva L Boyd var Violas lärare 1924-1927 i Chicago och har inspirerat henne med alla de lekar hon lärde sig under den här tiden. Men nu vill jag skriva lite mer om den här kvinnan som sällan tycks uppmärksammas. Vem vet kanske var det från henne som John Dewey fick sitt stoff för hur han utvecklade sin pedagogiska filosofi "learning by doing". At first I just thought to put up a link to pay attention to this woman who Viola Spolin dedicated her book Improvisation for the Theater to. Neva L Boyd was Viola's teacher in 1924-1927 in Chicago and has inspired her with all those games she learned during this time. But now I want to write some more about this woman who rarely seem to be addressed. Who knows, maybe it was from her that John Dewey got his stuff on how he developed his educational philosophy "learning by ...